
The mystery behind Learning and Change


The mystery behind Learning and Change

All of us have unique ways of learning new things. Every experience in life, even reading these passages, holds the potential to change our life. 

According to Master Coach Gregg Thompson and Adam Knowles, every adult uses four learning principles. 

If we reflect on when we had true learnings and insights, these five principles would stand apart and resonate with all. 

The first principle is about self-directed learning. No one can teach us anything unless we are ready to apply things from our perspective. 

The second principle tells us that we always use our experiences and understandings to make sense of new concepts and ideas. Whenever we see, hear and feel any new notion, we personalise that in our mental model of the world before creating unconscious wisdom. 

The third principle revolves around goals and purpose. If particular learning is not applicable in our life, we tend to forget it soon. For example, how many of us remember calculus or statistics that we would have learned in our high school years in mathematics?

Lastly, we always learn faster when we practice and apply our knowledge and skills. Muscle memory is a direct result of practice, experimentation and engagement, and habits are another form of learning from practice. 

Every grown-up and adult has the option to utilise these principles and effectively facilitate their learning, growth and change using these principles. 

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